Personal Data Protection Policy

Personal Data Usage

1. The IL e-Learning system will only use your personal data as necessary, such as your name, email, phone number, etc., for purposes like system logins, communication, public relations, or providing various information.

2. The IL e-Learning system assures that it will not disclose your personal data to unrelated third parties without your explicit permission.

Security for Personal Data

To ensure the confidentiality and security of your personal data, the IL e-Learning system has established internal regulations to specify access rights and usage permissions for individuals directly involved in handling your personal data.

Use of Cookies

The IL e-Learning system utilizes cookies, which are automatically sent and installed in your web browser, to help the system remember user information until you log out of the web browser or delete the cookies. The use of cookies enhances your convenience while navigating the IL e-Learning system website by remembering your visits and preferences.